Thursday, January 19, 2017

Chariot Races and Stations

Station 1

Test the chariot track and as time allows we will begin chariot races.

Option 1
Race another chariot to find out which chariot can make one lap the fastest. Crossing the median or track lines equals a penality.  Fastest lap plus least number of penalties will determine a winner. Record place in the designated area (ask Mrs. Williams).

Designate a judge from each team to initiate start and watch for penalties.

Option 2  (may need to be used if only 1 Sphero is working)
Using a stopwatch (online or on device), time how long it takes the team chariot to start and finish one lap. Crossing the median or track lines equals a penality.  Fastest lap plus least number of penalties will determine a winner.

Designate a judge from each team in that rotation to initiate start and watch for penalties. Record place in the designated area (ask Mrs. Williams).

Station 2

Project Questionnaire

If you have not already, complete the online questionnaire and videotape the questions beginning with the summary of your research steps and summary of your design steps. Take turns with a partner of your choice.

Station 3

Explore the steps to create a 3D model of your chariot using the following links in addition sign up for a Tinkercad account (see How does this work?):

New Videos:  (updated 1.5.17)

Once you have an idea of how 3D modeling will work, sign up for a Tinkercad using the following steps and codes:

How does this work?

  1. Teachers: sign in to your account to create an Invite Code from the Teach page and share it with your students. Many teachers write the code on the board.
  2. Students create their own Tinkercad accounts*.
  3. Students log in and access their dashboard by clicking the Tinkercad logo.
  4. Students then must enter the Invite Code in the Get Approved box. They will immediately be added to teacher’s Moderated Kids as approved Tinkercad users.
Be sure to check out the Learn page for Skills Lessons and Classroom Projects!

*Students age 13+ may create their own Tinkercad account and start designing immediately. Students age 12 and under will need your Invite Code for instant approval of their accounts.

BI1TLHQN  (Code available until 1/27/2017; ask for a new code if past this date)

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