Monday, October 27, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Library Stations October 2014


K and 1st 

Spelling City: Book Care

2nd and 3rd

Spelling City: Library Brochure Rubric Terms

Rubistar Brochure Template Exploration

4th and 5th

Spelling City: Acceptable Use Policy

Create Your Own Puzzle Using AUP Vocabulary

Table Activity

K and 1st 

Book Care Game

2nd and 3rd

Library Procedures Rubric Review and Voting

4th and 5th

(1) Review the Acceptable Use Policy Pages 17-23 (as directed)
(2) After reading, each team member should give at least 1 detail in your group discussion
(3) List at least one detail in your notebook (writer should initial by teacher code; new person each time)
Note: Be sure to save or email any pictures to Ms. Williams about library procedures and/or the Acceptable Use Policy for submission to the Library Brochure.

Check-out & Teacher/LMS's Choice

K and 1st 

Select one book using shelf makers

2nd and 3rd

Select one or two books as directed

4th and 5th

Select one or two books as directed

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Library Advisory Commitee Agenda October 2014


Library Advisory Committee Meeting 


Library Class Norms and Needs to Address (LMS, Teacher, Students, and Volunteers)


                Middle School

The State of the Library Collection

Book Preview Party

Professional Development


  Other Committees Needed

                Break-out Time for Accelerated Reader and Book Fair Committees


Friday, October 10, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Brochure Tasks

Update 10.28.14   Students will be provide a small amount of library time to complete select tasks by grade level.  However, any additional time spent on the project at school or home is encouraged. Students should login in to > Library Brochure.  Help your class maintain green level status in the library by submitting your assignment today.


Library classes are creating a library brochure.  Student groups are meeting with Mrs. Williams to discuss the required grade level tasks.   Students will be meeting in groups to review the library procedures, a brochure tool, and the brochure rubric.  Teachers, please take a few minutes when students have access to a computer/other device to make sure students complete their grade level tasks. I am meeting with the class in 2 groups. There will be a two week window in which all students should have completed the assigned task(s). I recommend a group of students working on the task(s) as soon as possible after the group meeting in hopes of as much independence as possible.  Let me know of any challenges.

Brochure Tasks by Grade

K and 1st Grade
None as of 10/9/2014

2nd and 3rd* Grade
1. Locate and preview the rubric image in this post.
2. Read the first column of 10 Categories (A. Writing Organization to J. Graphic and Pictures).
3. Select two necessary/favorite categories to report to the class during library time (how to report: write it and bring to library class, email* it, , or post it as a comment on this blog if you dare).

Extension: Students can visit Rubistar and create their own brochure rubric: .  If you create a rubric, don't forget to share it with the library class (how to share: save it, email* it, or if available, print it.)

Rubric Sample Template

4th* and 5th* Grade
1. Locate and preview the Brochure Template at
2. Select a front and back template to preview
3. Try to insert an image (availabe on the computer) and try to type text (type your name).
4. Be able to recall how to insert an image and text to report to the class during library time.
5. Locate or create an image that would help a Kindergarten student understand at least 1 library procedure (review the procedures here:
6. Save this picture to your flashdrive/thumbdrive to share with class during library time.

Extension: Students can visit Rubistar to create and propose the brochure rubric: .  If you create a rubric, be sure to save the rubric to your flashdrive/thumbdrive to share with the class during library time.

6th, 7th, and 8th Grades
-see the optional library orientation poster assignment at to be considered for brochure input

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader is now available school-wide.  All classes should be in the process of STAR Reading (Level Assessment) so that students can be aware of  their best reading range to promote growth.  Happy AR Testing!!!!!  Expect some updates from the school and PTSA Accelerated Reader Committees.