Monday, March 5, 2018


Genre = category

Here are a few book categories to know:

Mystery - suspenseful story
Fantasy - not possible (example: talking animals or magical powers)
Science Fiction (fiction that uses science and technology)
Realistic Fiction (fictional characters but could happen)
Traditional Literature (stories passed down from one group to another (examples: fariy tales, folktales, myths)
Informational (texts that provides facts)
Biography (real person's life)
Autobiography  (about a real person's life written by that person)
Poetry (verse often uses rhythm and rhyme)

Bean bag trivia questions (bring in the answer to one or more of these questions to obtain bean bag time):

K-2: Spell the word genre? (must spell in front of media specialist)
2-5: After reading the sample of a Wrinkle in Time, what genre do you think is the book category?
K-5: How many genres can you name and/or describe?

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